Les Maraîchers du Grand Bellechasse
Les Maraîchers du Grand Bellechasse
Maxime and his associates’ project is a one-of-a-kind market gardening venture. Domaine Le Grand Bellechasse was created in 2021 and includes 1,125 truffle trees. It is mainly composed of Oak and Hazelnut trees, but also Norway Spruce, to offer several varieties of Truffles.

But this project is not limited to truffle production. The Grand Bellechasse team have also planted a wide variety of hot peppers and herbs to produce original herbal teas. Their aim is to provide local consumers with high-quality, innovative products.

With passion and determination, they have demonstrated that it is possible to diversify agricultural production while bringing flavor to the Quebec table.

250 Bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa)
250 American hazelnut (Corylus americana)
312 Red oak (Quercus rubra)
313 Norway spruce (Picea abies)
625 Appalachian truffle plants (Tuber canaliculatum)
500 white truffle plants (Borchii)
High-density planting

  • 4 metres between rows
  • 2.0 to 2.5 metres between trees